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Pay up front & save $50!

*75 - 300 fully edited digital photos | Two outfit changes if you want  | Typically 45 min-1 hour of shoot time | Varying locations within reason  | An online gallery to share with friends and family to download their own photos | A custom wooden Comanche Spirit 16GB USB | A print release to print your photos wherever you want! |

Kids only!  This session can be for any number of children under the age of 16.  Please be aware that the more children you want photographed, the less individual photos of each child there will be.  This is the perfect session to document milestones or kiddos for any event!  This package does not include any adults or children over the age of 16.

Children are my absolute favorite subjects to photograph!  They are the perfect mixture of character and variety of expression.  Unfortunately, many photographers make taking photos more difficult for children.  I have witnessed first hand, with my own kids, what happens when a photographer doesn't connect well with a child.  It stresses mom out, the child tires easily, and the photos suffer as a result of the disconnect.  It can be so much simpler!  There is only one rule I follow when photographing children...follow their lead! 


If I try to pose or push a child into a position or situation that makes them uncomfortable, they will not be receptive to my camera.  But, if I let them control the session, follow them around, and make everything their idea...BAM...instant smiles and excitement!  Do not worry if your child won't sit down next to you in the photo.  Sometimes their ideas are even better!  I often bring treats and special props to keep their attention, and prevent them from tiring easily.  I have children of my own, and I know that the key is to focus on making it fun and being as patient as possible.  If they are in charge, there's no question that their faces and attitude will reflect that in the photos.  Any of my clients will tell you, most children don't even want to stop when the shoot has ended.  Photo sessions should be FUN for both child and parent!

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